Chiropractic care refers to all-natural treatments, techniques, and therapies using spinal adjustments in order to correct misalignments in the spine, neck, and pelvis. Adjustments are able to restore proper function to the nervous system, aiding the body to heal itself naturally. Chiropractic care doesn’t involve the administering of drugs or surgery, spinal adjustments are used instead. Applying the right amount of force to a specific part of the spine is able to correct misalignment, permit normal nerve communication, and assist the body to recover and heal on its own.
Chiropractic specialists are trained in variable techniques that allow treatment of a variety of patients and their conditions. We often find that many first time patients are a little nervous or apprehensive regarding a visit to the chiropractor, thinking that adjustments and treatment will be a painful endeavor. The good news is, our adjustments are a gentle process. We enlist low-force adjustment techniques, as well as instrumental assistance in adjustments, coupled with massage therapy treatment.
Dynamic Healthcare Center also applies strengthening, and rehabilitative exercises so that your muscles provide additional support. This keeps your spine and body moving in the way it was designed, prolonging the effects of adjustments between visits with the chiropractor.
Research has shown that chiropractic is an excellent, non-surgical method for getting relief from all types of pain, including:
• Back Pain
• Neck Pain
• Shoulder and Arm
• Pain Hip and Leg Pain
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Headaches
• Arthritis
• Fibromyalgia
• Auto Accident Injuries
Most Auto and health insurance plans as well as Medicare and Tricare, cover chiropractic, as do all state workers compensation programs.